Beginning Sounds: A Get Ready Book -
Beginning Sounds: A Get Ready Book -

Beginning Sounds: A Get Ready Book Paperback



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This workbook teaches children to identify the sounds of letters that begin words, which is an essential first step in learning to read. The lessons focus on recognising letters, tracing and writing letters, and learning beginning sounds. Children build their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by practising to trace and write both uppercase and lowercase letters, and letter identification is reinforced with finding and circling exercises. Get Ready books review, reinforce and accelerate learning and keep children classroom ready.

Product code: 9781488941542

ISBN 9781488941542
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) 276x216x5
Series Reading
No. Of Pages 64
Publisher Hinkler Books
On Sale Date 01/12/2019
This workbook teaches children to identify the sounds of letters that begin words, which is an essential first step in learning to read. The lessons focus on recognising letters, tracing and writing letters, and learning beginning sounds. Children build their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by practising to trace and write both uppercase and lowercase letters, and letter identification is reinforced with finding and circling exercises. Get Ready books review, reinforce and accelerate learning and keep children classroom ready.