Multiplication & Division: An I Know It! Book -
Multiplication & Division: An I Know It! Book -

Multiplication & Division: An I Know It! Book Paperback



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This School Zone Multiplication & Division workbook focuses on practising the multiplication and division basic facts for children ages 8-10. The lessons cover multiplying and dividing two- and three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, and working with remainders. Clear instructions, step-by-step examples and a fascinating rainforest theme will help children enjoy practising multiplication and division skills.

Product code: 9781488938641

ISBN 9781488938641
On Sale Date 01/12/2018
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) 276x217x6
Series School Zone
No. Of Pages 64
Publisher Hinkler Books
This School Zone Multiplication & Division workbook focuses on practising the multiplication and division basic facts for children ages 8-10. The lessons cover multiplying and dividing two- and three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, and working with remainders. Clear instructions, step-by-step examples and a fascinating rainforest theme will help children enjoy practising multiplication and division skills.