First Sticker Book Families -

First Sticker Book Families Paperback

By Holly Bathie, Alice Beecham



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Helps little children learn about all different kinds of families. This delightfully illustrated sticker book introduces children to all sorts of family structures and activities, including how families are formed, where they live, how they might celebrate and what they might do together. Children will enjoy identifying families similar to theirs while also learning about families that are different from their own. Introduces the concept of family trees and lots of vocabulary to do with family diversity.

Product code: 9781803702759

ISBN 9781803702759
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) 276x216x3
Series First Sticker Books
No. Of Pages 32
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd
Illustrated By Joanne Partis
Helps little children learn about all different kinds of families. This delightfully illustrated sticker book introduces children to all sorts of family structures and activities, including how families are formed, where they live, how they might celebrate and what they might do together. Children will enjoy identifying families similar to theirs while also learning about families that are different from their own. Introduces the concept of family trees and lots of vocabulary to do with family diversity.