Wow! Look What Birds Can Do -

Wow! Look What Birds Can Do Trade Paperback

By Camilla De La Bedoyere

Trade Paperback


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Which bird can fly backward? How do penguins keep warm? Does an ostrich really bury it's head in the sand? Find out the answers to these questions, and lots more, in this book featuring dancing, hooting, running and pecking birds. Wow! is a fantastic series not only filled with the best and most amazing facts about popular science topics, but each book also includes beautiful illustrations with fun and interactive artwork clues that lead readers through the book and stimulate discussion. This appealing series is certain to make readers say "Wow!"over and over again.

Product code: 9780753475676

ISBN 9780753475676
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) H256xW185xS8
Series Wow!
No. Of Pages 32
Publisher Kingfisher
Illustrated By Ste Johnson
Introduces birds from around the world and describes some of their unique characteristics and behavior, from starlings that can mimic sounds to owls that have vision one hundred times better than humans.