I I Am Me -
I I Am Me -

I I Am Me Paperback



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I am ME describes what self-esteem is, the difference between healthy self-esteem and low self-esteem, and offers a range of well-researched techniques to help children (and their grown-ups) build or improve their self-esteem.

Product code: 9780473587062

ISBN 9780473587062
On Sale Date 01/02/2022
No. Of Pages 36
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) H240xW225xS5
Series My Emotions
Publisher EQ Publications Ltd
Illustrated By Trace Moroney
I am ME describes what self-esteem is, the difference between healthy self-esteem and low self-esteem, and offers a range of well-researched techniques to help children (and their grown-ups) build or improve their self-esteem.