Do you suffer with any of these? Acne, Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Bloating, Blood sugar problems, Blood pressure, Candida, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, Colitis, Constipation, Diverticulitis, Eczema, Fatigue, Fluid retention, Gas, Gout, Headaches, Heartburn, Haemorrhoids, High cholesterol, Indigestion, Irritable bowel, Lazy bowel, Memory loss, Mucus congestion, Palpitations, Parasites, Psoriasis, Reflux, Sinusitis, Skin rashes, Stomach or peptic ulcers, Weight gain. What is really causing these symptoms? Toxic overload is the single biggest, most lethal health epidemic of our time, and it's left largely unspoken about. Now at last, here is a clear explanation of how chronic toxicity is underlying the most commons ailments in the developed world. Find out what can we do about it, and how a simple, natural inner-body cleansing programme can help with our most common health problems