Friendship Survival Guide -

Friendship Survival Guide Paperback



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The ups and downs of friendships and friendship groups, both on and offline. Friendships are of vital importance for all age-groups and good friendships go hand-in-hand with good mental health. But what is a friend, and why do we need them so much? This insightful guide explores how we can make friends, how we can keep them, what makes a good friend and whether we need best friends. It provides advice on recognizing fake and toxic friendships, surviving fall-outs and break-ups, and building resilience while successfully navigating the choppy waters around tribes, cliques, groups and gangs. There's also help for those coping with bullying and unkind behaviour, both on and offline.

Product code: 9781803704616

ISBN 9781803704616
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) H198xW130xS13
Series Usborne Life Skills
No. Of Pages 208
Publisher Usborne Publishing Ltd
Illustrated By Various