Reading Political Philosophy -

Reading Political Philosophy Paperback

Machiavelli to Mill

By Derek Matravers, Jonathan Pike, Nigel Warburton



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Reading Political Philosophy: Machiavelli to Mill is a clear and thorough introduction to political philosophy and political thought. Each chapter begins with a brief overview of a major political thinker and clearly introduces one or more of their most influential works. The reader is then introduced to key secondary readings, complementing and furthering their understanding of the thinker and text in question. Key features also include clear exercises, reading notes and guides for further reading. The book is structured around eight major works: * Machiavelli - The Prince Introduction, Nigel Warburton readings include: 'The Adviser to Princes' by Quentin Skinner; 'The Originality of Machiavelli' by Isaiah Berlin * Hobbes - Leviathan Introduction, Jon Pike readings include: 'The Theory of Human Nature in Society' by C. B. Macpherson; 'Hobbes and the Sexual Contract' by Carol Pateman * Locke - The Second Treatise of Government Introduction, Jon Pike readings include: 'Do People Actually Consent to Political Authority' by Jean Hampton; 'Two worries about Mixing One's Labour' by Jeremy Waldron * Rousseau - The Social Contract Introduction, Derek Matravers readings include: 'The Public Interest' by Brian Barry; 'Two Concepts of Liberty' by Isaiah Berlin' * Marx and Engels - The German Ideology (Part 1) Introduction, Derek Matravers readings include: 'History, Labour, and Freedom' by G.A. Cohen; 'Alienation' by Will Kymlicka * Mill - On Liberty and The Subjection of Women Introduction, Nigel Warburton readings include: 'Paternalism' by Gerald Dworkin; 'The Hope of Friendship' by Mary Lyndon Shanley. Reading Political Philosophy: Machiavelli to Mill provides students with the skills necessary to understand the main thinkers, texts and arguments of political philosophy. It requires no previous knowledge of philosophy or politics and is ideal to anyone coming to political philosophy and political thought for the first time.

Product code: 9780415211970

ISBN 9780415211970
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) H254xW178
No. Of Pages 396
Publisher Taylor & Francis Ltd
A clear an thorough introduction to political philosophy and political thought, inttroducing the reader to major political thinkers and complementary secondary readings.