Wardrobe 101 for Mums:Fashion Formulas for Modern Mothers -

Wardrobe 101 for Mums:Fashion Formulas for Modern Mothers Paperback

Fashion Formulas for Modern Mothers



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Following on from Wardrobe 101: How to Create Your Perfect Core Wardrobe, fashion guru Dijanna Mulhearn is offering style advice to time-poor mothers. Wardrobe 101 for Mums is a go-to guide for women who long to look good with little effort. Between juggling young children and navigating a post-pregnancy figure, dressing stylishly can be overwhelming; and the last thing on the minds of many new mothers. Don't be tempted by the tracksuit or resort to simple jeans and t-shirt when this book is chock full of tips that show you how to look fabulous in a flash. Dijanna Mulhearn has devised helpful tricks for looking chic regardless of body shape and there are tips to work a new wardrobe for any kid-friendly or strictly adult occasion. Learn from the world's most stylish women, take what works for you and turn that hot mess into a hot mama!

Product code: 9780500500446

ISBN 9780500500446
On Sale Date 01/01/2000
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) H218xW201xS17
No. Of Pages 176
Publisher Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd