Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies with Online Practice -
Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies with Online Practice -

Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies with Online Practice Paperback

By Erin Odya, Pat DuPree



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Practice your way to a high score in your anatomy & physiology class The human body has 11 major anatomical systems, 206 bones, and dozens of organs, tissues, and fluids-that's a lot to learn if you want to ace your anatomy & physiology class! Luckily, you can master them all with this hands-on book + online experience. Memorization is the key to succeeding in A&P, and Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies gives you all the practice you need to score high. Inside and online, you'll find exactly what you need to help you understand, memorize, and retain every bit of the human body. Jam packed with memorization tricks, test-prep tips, and hundreds of practice exercises, it's the ideal resource to help you make anatomy and physiology your minion! Take an online review quiz for every chapter Use the workbook as a supplement to classroom learning Be prepared for whatever comes your way on test day Gain confidence with practical study tips If you're gearing up for a career in the medical field and need to take this often-tough class to fulfill your academic requirements as a high school or college student, this workbook gives you the edge you need to pass with flying colors.

Product code: 9781119473596

ISBN 9781119473596
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) 249x203x23
No. Of Pages 384
Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc
On Sale Date 22/06/2018
Edition 3rd edition
Practice your way to a high score in your anatomy & physiology class The human body has 11 major anatomical systems, 206 bones, and dozens of organs, tissues, and fluids-that's a lot to learn if you want to ace your anatomy & physiology class! Luckily, you can master them all with this hands-on book + online experience. Memorization is the key to succeeding in A&P, and Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies gives you all the practice you need to score high. Inside and online, you'll find exactly what you need to help you understand, memorize, and retain every bit of the human body. Jam packed with memorization tricks, test-prep tips, and hundreds of practice exercises, it's the ideal resource to help you make anatomy and physiology your minion! Take an online review quiz for every chapter Use the workbook as a supplement to classroom learning Be prepared for whatever comes your way on test day Gain confidence with practical study tips If you're gearing up for a career in the medical field and need to take this often-tough class to fulfill your academic requirements as a high school or college student, this workbook gives you the edge you need to pass with flying colors.