WHAKAWHETAI: Gratitude -
WHAKAWHETAI: Gratitude -
WHAKAWHETAI: Gratitude -
WHAKAWHETAI: Gratitude -
WHAKAWHETAI: Gratitude -
WHAKAWHETAI: Gratitude -

WHAKAWHETAI: Gratitude Hardback

A Daily Bilingual Journal



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Kia u ki te pai, kia whai hua ai. Hold On To What Is Good And Good Things Will Follow. An inspirational, bilingual gratitude journal, based on the Maori holistic approach to health, hauora. Discover the four dimensions of hauora: taha tinana (physical), taha hinengaro (mental), taha wairua (spiritual) and taha whanau (family). No matter how difficult life can seem, there is always something to feel grateful for. Taking note regularly of the positives - no matter how small - in each of these areas of your life can have a huge impact on your health and happiness. Throughout the journal are whakatauki and inspirational quotes in both te reo and English. So, whether you are Maori, tauiwi, a fluent speaker or just beginning, this journal is for you. More than anything, it is a chance for you to centre yourself and celebrate your life. E hoa ma, ina te ora o te tangata. My friends, this is the essence of life.

Product code: 9781991006370

ISBN 9781991006370
On Sale Date 02/05/2023
No. Of Pages 272
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) 198 x 128
Publisher Allen & Unwin Aotearoa New Zealand
Kia ? ki te pai, kia whai hua ai.Hold on to what is good and good things will follow. An inspirational, bilingual gratitude journal, based on the M?ori holistic approach to health, hauora. Discover the four dimensions of hauora: taha tinana (physical), taha hinengaro (mental), taha wairua (spiritual) and taha wh?nau (family). No matter how difficult life can seem, there is always something to feel grateful for. Taking note regularly of the positives - no matter how small - in each of these areas of your life can have a huge impact on your health and happiness. Throughout the journal are whakatauk? and inspirational quotes in both te reo and English. So, whether you are M?ori, tauiwi, a fluent speaker or just beginning, this journal is for you. More than anything, it is a chance for you to centre yourself and celebrate your life. E hoa m?, in? te ora o te tangata. My friends, this is the essence of life.

Customer Reviews

1 reviews

Jennifer - January 2024

Absolutely stunning