Book of Destiny, The – Answers from the Oracle -

Book of Destiny, The – Answers from the Oracle Paperback

By Flavia Kate Peters, Barbara Meiklejohn–free



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Be it in your working, romantic or physical life, wise words of wisdom walk with you, to provide the answers. The Book of Destiny is a divination tool, incorporating common sayings with their meaning, a focus word, an image and a message for the reader. There are 111 messages all based on the original divination but in a context that will help the reader today, in their everyday life. Beautifully Illustrated, The Book of Destiny is like a portable 'oracle', always at the ready with wisdom for the moment in hand.

Product code: 9781782799450

ISBN 9781782799450
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) H220xW139xS14
No. Of Pages 236
Publisher Collective Ink
Be it in your working, romantic or physical life, wise words of wisdom walk with you, to provide the answers.