Achieve more by doing less! We've all done it. Got to the end of the week and had no sense of where, and on what we have spent our most valuable resource, time. When it comes to time, any of us are overspending, over budget, and overwhelmed. We are out of control and at risk of failing at the important things because we are buying into other people's needs, priorities, problems and dramas. And it's about time we stopped! It's about time we took steps to create capacity across our whole lives. We need to find at least 15% extra: Thinking space, Breathing space, Living space, Working space, By giving ourselves more space across all these aspects we can work from a position of adaptive capacity and taking advantage of the opportunities change provides, rather than impaired or surge capacity where we don't have the bandwidth to think differently. You can take back time, spend it wisely and build your capacity for now and into the future. Your future self will thank you.
Product code: 9780730398202
9780730398202 |
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) |
H211xW137xS15 |
No. Of Pages |
176 |
Publisher |
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd |
On Sale Date |
01/01/2022 |