Introduced by renowned Australian neuroscientist Dr Stan Rodski and based on his extensive research, the Mindwaves Calming Colouring books help to harness the power of science to find your inner calm. As the brain engages in the focussed and repetitive (but oh-so-enjoyable!) activity of colouring, the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter dopamine will be released. Bliss!
The Art Maker Studio Mindwaves Mandala Colouring Kit is a great way to brush up some creative skills while also spending a few mindful hours.
These kits come with everything you need to get you started including a 48-page colouring pad, colouring pencils and metallic pencils making it the ideal artistic kit!
Product code: 2000079121055
Brand |
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm) |
28mm x 255mm x 330mm |